Tag Archive | Angelina Jolie

The Story of Stuff

I like to buy stuff. I like to have the latest and greatest in electronics and fashion. I want to keep up with Joneses, even though there is a big part of me that fully rejects the idea of being concerned with such things as fashion, having the latest and greatest and buying into the notion of name brands. And why should I even care what the Joneses are doing? What makes me think their taste is so great? They probably listen to R. Kelly and put out human-sized waving Santa Clauses on their lawn every December 1.

Headshot Party

The problem with shooting headshots is that it’s one of the most nerve wracking things we have to do. Not only does the picture have to look exactly like us, it also has to convey personality and the wide world of possible characters we can play.

In one picture.

WTF, Kate Hudson?

I think that one of the reasons so many women adore Angelina Jolie and the majority of men would give up one of their nuts to touch her is because she would never play a shrew. She knows that a good movie character is someone we can identify with or who we aspire to be and no one identifies themselves as a controlling shrew and no one aspires to be one.